If you’re looking for divine flame prayers for God’s favor that you can download and print out, this pdf is perfect for you. Divine Flame Devotional for March – April 2023 provides an overview of all the prayers you need through the month of March ad April, along with information about our services and ministries.
DIVINE FLAME MARCH & APRIL 2023 2The Divine Flame Devotional aims at helping the children of God
know the word of God, read the word of God, and live their lives based on
the principles generated from the word of God! It is arranged in a way that
God’s children, who want to be Champions in God, will on daily basis have
a reflection that is decorated with the word of God followed by a Psalm
prayer and other prayers. Make the Jesus the Restorer Adoration
Ministries’ Divine Flame Devotional your daily spiritual companion! You
will not regret it if you do! Instead, you will see yourself becoming a
Champion in God, which at the same time, is the sole aim of writing the
Divine Flame Devotional!